Defaults — The following are defaults for the set log commands.
Events at the error level and higher are logged to the WX console.
Events at the error level and higher are logged to the WX system
Trace logging is enabled, and debug-level output is stored in the WX
trace buffer.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — Using the command with only enable or disable turns logging
on or off for the target at all levels. For example, entering set log buffer
enable with no other keywords turns on logging to the system buffer of
all facilities at all levels. Entering set log buffer disable with no other
keywords turns off all logging to the buffer.
Examples — To log only emergency, alert, and critical system events to
the console, type the following command:
WX4400# set log console severity critical enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear log on page 609
display log config on page 612
set log mark Configures MSS to generate mark messages at regular intervals. The
mark messages indicate the current system time and date. 3Com can use
the mark messages to determine the approximate time when a system
restart or other event causing a system outage occurred.
Syntax —
set log mark [enable | disable] [severity level]
[interval interval]
enable — Enables the mark messages.
disable — Disables the mark messages.
severity level — Log severity at which the messages are logged: