display crypto ca-certificate 481
display crypto
Displays information about the certificate authority’s PEM-encoded
PKCS #7 certificate.
Syntax —
display crypto ca-certificate {admin | eap | web}
admin — Displays information about the certificate authority’s
certificate that signed the administrative certificate for the WX switch.
The administrative certificate authenticates the WX to 3WXM or Web
eap — Displays information about the certificate authority’s certificate
that signed the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) certificate for
the WX switch.
The EAP certificate authenticates the WX switch to 802.1X supplicants
web — Displays information about the certificate authority’s certificate
that signed the WebAAA certificate for the WX switch.
The WebAAA certificate authenticates the WX switch to WebAAA
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Webaaa option renamed to
web in MSS Version 4.1.
Examples — To display information about the certificate of a certificate
authority, type the following command:
WX4400# display crypto ca-certificate
Table 83 describes the fields in the display.
Table 83 display crypto ca-certificate Output
Fields Description
Version Version of the X.509 certificate.
Serial Number A unique identifier for the certificate or signature.
Subject Name of the certificate owner.