clear qos Resets the switch’s mapping of Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)
values to internal QoS values.
The switch’s internal QoS map ensures that prioritized traffic remains
prioritized while transiting through the WX switch. A WX switch uses the
QoS map to do the following:
Classify inbound packets by mapping their DSCP values to one of
eight internal QoS values
Classify outbound packets by marking their DSCP values based on the
switch’s internal QoS values
Syntax —
clear qos [cos-to-dscp-map [from-qos] |
dscp-to-cos-map [from-dscp]]
cos-to-dscp-map — Resets the mapping between the specified
internal QoS value and the DSCP values with which MSS marks
outbound packets. QoS values are from 0 to 7.
dscp-to-cos-map — Resets the mapping between the specified range
of DSCP values and internal QoS value with which MSS classifies
inbound packets.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.1.
Usage — To reset all mappings to their default values, use the clear qos
command without the optional parameters.
Examples — The following command resets all QoS mappings:
WX1200# clear qos
success: change accepted.
The following command resets the mapping used to classify packets with
DSCP value 44:
WX1200# clear qos dscp-to-qos-map 44
success: change accepted.