Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You must configure the service profile before you can map it to
a radio profile. You can map the same service profile to more than one
radio profile.
You must disable all radios that use a radio profile before you can change
parameters in the profile. Use the set radio-profile mode command
Examples — The following command maps service-profile wpa_clients
to radio profile rp2:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp2 service-profile wpa_clients
success: change accepted.
See Also
display service-profile on page 321
set service-profile auth-dot1x on page 373
set service-profile auth-fallthru on page 374
set service-profile auth-psk on page 375
set service-profile beacon on page 376
web-aaa-form Not configured For WebAAA users, serves the default
login web page or, if configured, the
SSID-specific login web page.
wep key-index No keys
Uses dynamic WEP rather than static WEP.
If you configure a WEP key for static WEP,
MSS continues to also support dynamic
wep active-
1 Uses WEP key 1 for static WEP encryption
of multicast traffic if WEP encryption is
enabled and keys are defined.
wep active-unicast-
1 Uses WEP key 1 for static WEP encryption
of unicast traffic if WEP encryption is
enabled and keys are defined.
wpa-ie disable Does not use the WPA IE in transmitted
Table 67 Defaults for Service Profile Parameters (continued)
Parameter Default Value
Radio Behavior When Parameter Set
to Default Value