set mac-user attr 253
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — To change the value of an attribute, enter set mac-user attr
with the new value. To delete an attribute, use clear mac-user attr.
You can assign attributes to individual MAC users and to MAC user
groups. If attributes are configured for a MAC user and also for the group
the MAC user is in, the attributes assigned to the individual MAC user
take precedence for that user. For example, if the start-date attribute
configured for a MAC user is sooner than the start-date configured for
the MAC user group the user is in, the MAC user’s network access can
begin as soon as the user start-date. The MAC user does not need to wait
for the MAC user group’s start date.
(network access
mode only)
URL to which the user is
redirected after
successful WebAAA.
Web URL, in standard format. For
You must include the http:// portion.
You can dynamically include any of
the variables in the URL string:
$p—Service profile name
To use the literal character $ or ?, use
the following:
(network access
mode only)
Virtual LAN (VLAN)
On some RADIUS
servers, you might need
to use the standard
RADIUS attribute
instead of VLAN-Name.
Name of a VLAN that you want the
user to use. The VLAN must be
configured on an WX switch within
the Mobility Domain to which this WX
switch belongs.
Table 44 Authentication Attributes for Local Users (continued)