The interval is 1000 packets. If more than the specified percentage of
packets within a group of 1000 packets received by the radio are
retransmissions, the radio increases power.
When the percentage of retransmissions exceeds the max-retransmissions
threshold, the radio does not immediately increase power. Instead, if the
data rate at which the radio is sending packets to the client is above the
minimum data rate allowed, the radio lowers the data rate by one
setting. If the retransmissions still exceed the maximum allowed, the
radio continues to lower the data rate, one setting at a time, until either
the retransmissions fall within the allowed percentile or the minimum
allowed data rate is reached.
If the retransmissions still exceed the threshold after the minimum
allowed data rate is reached, the radio increases power by 1 dBm. The
radio continues increasing the power in 1 dBm increments until the
retransmissions fall below the threshold.
After the retransmissions fall below the threshold, the radio reduces
power by 1 dBm. As long as retransmissions remain below the threshold,
the radio continues reducing power in 1 dBm increments until it returns
to its default power level.
A radio also can increase power, in 1 dBm increments, if a client falls
below the minimum allowed data rate. After a radio increases power, all
clients must be at the minimum data rate or higher and the maximum
retransmissions must be within the allowed percentile, before the radio
begins reducing power again.
Examples — The following command changes the max-retransmissions
value to 20:
WX1200# set ap 6 radio 1 auto-tune max-retransmissions 20
success: change accepted.
See Also
set {ap | dap} radio auto-tune max-power on page 335
set radio-profile auto-tune power-backoff- timer on page 352
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config on page 353
set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval on page 354