crypto pkcs12 479
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Webaaa option renamed to
web in MSS Version 4.1.
Usage — The password allows the public-private key pair and certificate
to be installed together from the same PKCS #12 object file. MSS erases
the one-time password after processing the crypto pkcs12 command or
when you reboot the WX switch.
3Com recommends that you create a password that is memorable to you
but is not subject to easy guesses or a dictionary attack. For best results,
create a password of alphanumeric uppercase and lowercase characters.
Examples — The following command creates the one-time password
hap9iN#ss for installing an EAP certificate and key pair:
WX4400# crypto generate otp eap hap9iN#ss
OTP set
See Also
crypto pkcs12 on page 479
crypto pkcs12 Unpacks a PKCS #12 object file into the certificate and key storage area
on the WX switch. This object file contains a public-private key pair, an
WX certificate signed by a certificate authority, and the certificate
authority’s certificate.
Syntax —
crypto pkcs12 {admin | eap | web} file-location-url
admin — Unpacks a PKCS #12 object file for an administrative
certificate and key pair — and optionally the certificate authority’s
own certificate — for authenticating the WX switch to 3WXM or Web
eap — Unpacks a PKCS #12 object file for an EAP certificate and key
pair — and optionally the certificate authority’s own certificate — for
authenticating the WX switch to 802.1X supplicants (clients).
web — Unpacks a PKCS #12 object file for a WebAAA certificate and
key pair — and optionally the certificate authority’s own certificate —
for authenticating the WX switch to WebAAA clients.
file-location-url — Location of the PKCS #12 object file to be
installed. Specify a location of between 1 and 128 alphanumeric
characters, with no spaces.