Examples — The following commands copy file testconfig to a TFTP
server and delete the file from nonvolatile storage:
WX4400# copy testconfig tftp://
success: sent 365 bytes in 0.401 seconds [ 910 bytes/sec]
WX4400# delete testconfig
success: file deleted.
The following commands delete file dang_doc from subdirectory dang:
WX4400# delete dang/dang_doc
success: file deleted.
See Also
copy on page 567
dir on page 570
dir Displays a list of the files in nonvolatile storage and temporary files.
Syntax — dir [subdirname] [file:] | [core:] | [boot0:] |
subdirname — Subdirectory name. If you specify a subdirectory name,
the command lists the files in that subdirectory. Otherwise, the
command lists the files in the root directory and also lists the
file — Limits dir output to the contents of the user files area.
core: — Limits dir output to the contents of the /tmp/core
boot0: — Limits dir output to the contents of the boot0 partition.
boot1: — Limits dir output to the contents of the boot1 partition
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Core; file; boot0 and boot1
options added, to limit the output to the specified category, in MSS
Version 4.0.