MIDI Transfer and Storage Operations: Chapter 9
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 174
Card Storage RAMifications
Whenever you transfer an internal Bank to a RAM card, the result is that
all Mixes in the transferred Bank are changed so that they now access the
Programs on the card bank to which the User bank was saved (since they
reside there, now), instead of the Programs from the original internal
Bank. And, when a Card Bank is transferred to an internal Bank location,
the opposite happens – all Programs within a Mix which had previously
accessed card bank 1 (the ROM card) now point to the User bank.
However, a problem can arise when you have one or more Mixes in the
Bank you are transferring which use Programs already on the Card.
Example: Let's say Mix 00 in the User Bank uses a Program that’s located
in Card Bank 1. If the User Bank is transferred to the Card Bank 1, the
result will be that Mix 00 in Card Bank 1 now uses only Programs from
Card Bank 1. If later you transfer the entire Bank back into the
QuadraSynth Plus, you will find that Mix 00 no longer uses the Program
on the Card as it was originally programmed to.
Here’s a few ways to avoid this problem. First, always transfer to a Card
Bank that does not include any Programs used by the Mixes in the Bank
you are transferring from. In other words, if we transferred the Bank into
Card Bank 2, we would not have a problem, since the Mix would still be
using the Program in Card Bank 1. When this Bank is transferred back to
the QuadraSynth, the Mix will still use the Program in Card Bank 1.
Another way to avoid this problem is to transfer the Bank to a Card
Bank, and then immediately store the individual Mix onto the Card by
itself. When a Mix is stored individually to a Card, it is not modified in
any way ; i.e. if it used Programs in the internal Banks, it will still use
them even though the Mix and its Programs are in two different
locations (the Mix is on the Card but the Programs it uses are stored in
the internal Banks).
Finally, you could avoid this situation by always making sure your
Mixes use only Programs located in the same Bank it is stored in. This
could mean individually storing some Programs from a RAM Card into
one of the internal Banks. Although this is very limiting, it makes things
much simpler in the long run.
Saving Programs via MIDI Sys Ex
As an alternative to storing data to a card, the QuadraSynth Plus lets you
transmit internal data via MIDI System Exclusive messages. This data can be sent
to a storage device, or recorded into a MIDI sequencer, or sent to another
QuadraSynth Plus or S4. You have a choice of sending any single Program in the
User bank (00 to 127), or what is in the current Program Edit buffer, or what is in
any of the 16 Mix Edit Program buffers, or the entire User bank (100 Mixes, 128
Programs, 128 Effects Patches) plus Global data. In the case of sending data to
another QuadraSynth Plus, you can send any individual Program to the same
location or any other location in the receiving QuadraSynth Plus, including any
of its 17 Program Edit buffers.