Editing Programs: Chapter 6
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 83
Tip: Aftertouch is useful for creating keyboard-controlled string
bend effects. Low settings are good for “humanizing”
synthesized sounds, since aftertouch changes can give very
slight pitch changes, as associated with acoustic instruments.
Pitch LFO Depth (-99 to +99)
At +00, the pitch LFO has no effect. Higher positive values
increase the amount of Pitch LFO modulation. Negative values
give the same apparent effect, but with reversed LFO phase (i.e.,
if the pitch would normally be increasing with depth set to a
positive number, the pitch would instead be decreasing at that
same moment had the depth been set to a negative number).
Pitch LFO parameters (such as speed and wave shape) are
programmed within the PLFO Function (see page 67).
Pitch Envelope Depth (-99 to +99)
At +00, the pitch envelope has no effect. Positive values raise the
pitch from the baseline according to the envelope shape, while
negative values similarly lower the pitch. The higher the number
(negative or positive), the greater the effect. Pitch Envelope
parameters (such as attack and decay time) are programmed
within the PENV Function (see page 71).
Pitch (Page 3)
About portamento: When you play a key and then a second key,
normally the sound jumps instantly from one pitch to another.
Portamento provides a sweeping glide from one note to another
over a variable amount of time. A good example of this type of
sound is a steel guitar, where a note slides from one pitch to
Portamento (Exponential, Linear, 1 Speed)
This provides the sweep’s “curve.”
• With an exponential curve, the pitch change seems to
happen more rapidly at first, then slows down as it approaches
the ending pitch.
• A linear curve produces a constant pitch change
throughout the glide.
• Normally, the greater the interval (the pitch difference
between the two notes), the longer the glide. For example, a
glide between two notes a whole step apart would take much
less time than a glide between two notes an octave apart. The 1