Editing Mixes: Chapter 5
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual 67
The Effect Channel determines which channel’s Program’s Effect
Patch will be used for the entire Mix. In other words, when the
Effect Channel is set to 3, the Mix will use the Effect Patch used
by the Program assigned to channel 3.
FX MIDI (On or Off)
This determines whether the Effects settings will change along
with its Program, if a MIDI program change is received on the
Effect Channel. If on, and a MIDI program change is received, a
new Program will be recalled along with its associated Effect
Patch. This, however, can change the way the other Programs in
the Mix sound, since they all share the same Effects Patch. If you
want to recall Programs via MIDI program changes, but want to
continue using the same Effects Patch, leave this parameter
turned off.
If a program change is received on the Effects Channel and the
FX-MIDI parameter is off, the Program will change to the new
number (as determined by the program change number that was
received) and the Effects Patch will also change to a new
number. However, the previous Effects Program will be copied
into the Mix’s Effects buffer and the word “EDITED” will appear
next to the Effects Patch number. This indicates that, although
the Effects Patch number coincides with the Program number on
the Effects Channel, the Mix is still using the Effects Program
connected to the original Program on the Effects Channel that is
stored in the Mix. If you store the Mix, the newly selected
Program on the Effects Channel will be stored with it. The next
time this Mix is recalled the new Program on the Effects Channel
will be recalled along with its Effects (which will be different, in
most cases, from the Effects originally used with this Mix). If this
occurs, and you wish to keep the new Program in the Mix, you
could copy the Effects from the old Program into the new
Program (see the Store Mode section, later in this chapter). Or,
you could adjust the Effects Send level and Effects Bus
parameter for the remaining Channels so that their associated
Programs sound good with the new Effects. Or, you could
modify the new Program's Effects.
Naming a Mix
The Name function allows you to change the name of the Mix. The Mix name can
be up to 10 characters long. Use the PAGE [♦] and [∅] buttons to position the
cursor. Quad Knob [1] selects the character. Here is a chart of available
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G
H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [
¥ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z { | }
∅ ♦