3 - 11
Note 1 To prevent an electric shock, always connect the protective earth (PE) terminal (terminal marked ) of the servo amplifier to the
protective earth (PE) of the control box.
2. Connect the diode in the correct direction. If it is connected reversely, the servo amplifier will be faulty and will not output
signals, disabling the forced stop (EM1) and other protective circuits.
3. If the controller does not have an forced stop (EM1) function, always install a forced stop switch (Normally closed).
4. When starting operation, always turn on the forced stop (EM1). (Normally closed contacts) By setting "
1 " in DRU
parameter No.PA04 of the drive unit, the forced stop (EM1) can be made invalid.
5. Use MRZJW3-SETUP 221E.
6. For the distance between electrodes of SSCNET
cable, refer to the following table.
Cable Cable model name Cable length
Distance between
Standard code inside panel MR-J3BUS M 0.15m to 3m
Standard cable outside panel MR-J3BUS M-A 5m to 20m
Long-distance cable MR-J3BUS M-B 30m to 50m 50m
7. The wiring of the second and subsequent axes is omitted.
8. Up to eight axes (n
1 to 8) may be connected. Refer to section 3.13 for setting of axis selection.
9. Make sure to put a cap on the unused CN1A
10. Supply 24VDC
10% 150mA current for interfaces from the outside. 150mA is the value applicable when all I/O signals are
used. The current capacity can be decreased by reducing the number of I/O points. Refer to section 3.7.2 (1) that gives the
current value necessary for the interface.
11. Trouble (ALM) turns on in normal alarm-free condition. When this signal is switched off (at occurrence of an alarm), the output
of the programmable controller should be stopped by the sequence program.
12. The pins with the same signal name are connected in the servo amplifier.
13. The signal can be changed by parameter No.PD07, PD08, PD09.
14. For the sink I/O interface. For the source I/O interface, refer to section 3.7.3.
15. Devices can be assigned for DI1
DI2 DI3 with controller setting. For devices that can be assigned, refer to the controller
instruction manual. The assigned devices are for the Q173DCPU
Q172DCPU Q173HCPU Q172HCPU and QD75MH .