Chapter 5: Configuration
Trap Destination Tab
Psion Teklogix 8515 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 119 Enabling Authentication TRAPS
Checking Enable Authentication TRAPS allows authorization traps to be sent when a
failure is detected (e.g., an SNMP message received with a bad community name). Adding A Destination
• To add a new destination, tap on the Add button.
Figure 5.77 Add IP Address Dialog
• Type a destination in the text box provided, and press [ENTER]. Changing A Destination
To change an existing trap destination:
• Highlight the destination you want to alter in the Trap Destination tab, and then tap on
the Change button.
A dialog box like the one displayed when you add a destination is displayed.
Figure 5.78 Change IP Address Dialog
• Make the changes to the destination, and tap on OK to save the changes. Removing A Trap Destination
To remove a trap destination:
•In the Trap Destination tab, highlight the destination you want to delete.