Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Global Settings Tab
Psion Teklogix 8515 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 27
Ping Timeout
Amount of time in milliseconds
that passes without a response
before ping request is considered
a failure.
Integer from 0 to 30000 5000
Ping Delays ms Amount of time in milliseconds
between successive ping
Integer from 0 to 7200000 1000
Roam Delta Amount by which second AP’s
RSSI must exceed the moving
average RSSI for the current AP
before the radio will attempt to
roam to a second AP.
dBm: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 15
Roam Period Following an association or roam
scan (with no roam), the number
of seconds the radio collects
RSSI scan data before consider-
ing roaming.
Seconds: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60
Roam Trigger If RSSI from AP is less than roam
trigger value, radio performs
roam scan or probes for an AP
with stronger signal.
dBm: -50, -55, -60, -65,
-70, -75
RTS Thresh Packet size above which
RTS/CTS is required on link.
An integer from 0 to 2347 2347
RX Diversity Defines how to handle antenna
diversity when receiving data
from AP.
-On-Start on Main: On startup,
use main antenna.
-On-Start on Aux: On startup,
use auxiliary antenna.
-Main only: Use main
antenna only.
-Aux only: Use auxiliary
antenna only.
On-Start on
Table 2.3 Global Settings Menu
Global Setting Description Value Default