HC Halt curve acquisition
Halts curve acquisition in progress. It is effective during both single (data acquisition
initiated by TD command) and continuous (data acquisition initiated by TDC
command) curve acquisitions. The curve may be restarted by means of the TD or
TDC command, as appropriate.
ID Identification
Causes the lock-in amplifier to respond with the number 7220.
IE [n] Reference channel source control (Internal/External)
The value of n sets the reference input mode according to the following table:
n Selection
0 INT (internal)
1 EXT LOGIC (external rear panel TTL input)
2 EXT (external front panel analog input)
IMODE [n] Controls whether the instrument input is connected to a current or a voltage
The value of n sets the input mode according to the following table:
n Input mode
0 Current mode off - voltage mode input enabled
1 High bandwidth (HB) current mode enabled - connect signal to B input
2 Low noise (LN) current mode enabled - connect signal to B input connector
If n = 0 then the input configuration is determined by the VMODE command.
If n > 0 then current mode is enabled irrespective of the VMODE setting.
LEN [n] Curve length control
The value of n sets the curve buffer length in effect for data acquisition. The
maximum allowed value depends on the number of curves requested using the CBD
command, and a parameter error results if the value given is too large. For this
reason, if the number of points is to be increased and the number of curves to be
stored is to be reduced using the CBD command, then the CBD command should be
issued first.