
Polycom Digital Signage Administrator Guide Playlist Editor
90 Polycom, Inc.
Message Board
Displays the Message Board. For more information, consult Message
Board/Webcast below.
Displays a Trivia sequence. To edit the Trivia questions and answers:
1 Click on the Params link. The Template Parameters window will appear.
2 The NumQuestions field allows users to define the number of questions
displayed on this template from the source Excel spreadsheet.
The Title is the name that will be displayed on the template.
The DataFilename is the source Excel spreadsheet which will be called for
this application. The syntax of the file must be "lib_Trivia.xls".
3 To customize the questions, open the C:\XPresenterContent\Data folder
on your computer. Double-click on the lib_Trivia.xls file.