
Remote Player Management Console Using the Remote Manager
Polycom, Inc. 59
Right-clicking on a file will launch the following pop-up:
View Tail: Launches a text editor which displays the last 50 KB to 5
MB of data contained in a file.
—Edit File: Launches a text editor with which users can edit files.
Copy Path to Clipboard: Copies the path of the folder as text.
Compare...: Allows users to compare files across multiple Players.
This tool is useful for ensuring that packages have published correctly.
After running the comparison, the following window appears:
Download...: Allows users to download files from a Player to the
computer running Remote Manager.
Copy To...: Allows users to copy the file to another location on the
PDS Player.
Rename/Move To: Allows users to rename or move the file.
Delete: Deletes the file.