
Adding Clocks and Tickers Using Template Maker
Polycom, Inc. 135
7 In the Type drop-down list, select Clock.
8 Enable the Render output on change field, which automatically updates
the ticker on the output when the object changes values.
9 In the Clock Settings area of the Ticker Properties dialog box, select a
clock type from Type drop-down list. Available clock types are:
Standard, Time Countdown, Second Countdown.
10 Choose a time display configuration from the Format drop-down list.
11 Enter text to precede the clock or to follow the clock by entering
characters in the Prepend Text and Append Text fields.
12 The clock can be offset by a time specified through adjusting the H (Hour)
/M (Minute) /S (Second) parameters.
13 Enter a decimal point precision for the clock by choosing an integer from
the Precision parameter.
14 Enable Stop at zero to stop the clock at the zero marker (when clock type
is set to Time Countdown).
15 Enter a time value to countdown to in the Countdown To Time field; e.g.:
“5/30/2007 10:00:00 AM” (when clock type is set to Time Countdown).
16 To target the text box created in step 6 above with the clock object, select
the text box named “Time” in the Target Object drop-down list.
17 Click OK to close the Ticker Properties dialog box.
18 The name of the ticker created appears in the TickerList.
19 To add another ticker, in the Clocks and Tickers tab choose Add.