
Polycom Digital Signage Administrator Guide Navigating the Template Maker Interface
106 Polycom, Inc.
The Template Maker Companion Window
The diagram below depicts the Template Maker companion window as it will
appear upon first launching Template Maker.
Current Slide Area
Selected Object Area
Insert Flipbook
Launches a dialog
for viewing and
controlling flipbook
Insert Image
Launches a dialog
for importing an image
to the current slide.
Displays the name
of the current slide
and shows a tree view
of all elements
contained within a given slide.
Insert Media
Launches a dialog for selecting
and previewing live video or a
video clip for insertion to a slide.
Displays and permits
modification of properties
specific to the object selected
in the PowerPoint slide,
or properties of the currently
active slide.
Renders the current slide
in the CG Renderer window.
Resets the output.
Selects which rendering layer
is currently active, and to
which layer objects contained
in the PowerPoint slide
will be rendered.
Save Slide as Template
Save Slide as Object
Reveals the layer specified
in the Layer drop-down.
Hides the layer indicated
in the Layer drop-down.