Norton 360 is grouped into the following four
categories of protection:
Blocks and removes viruses
and spyware from email and
downloaded sites, protects
against emerging threats,
scans, cleans email
attachments, and secures
connections and data
transmission between your
computer and the Internet.
PC Security
Helps to guard against
identity theft, verifies
authenticity of Web sites.
Identity Protection
Backs up all your important
files and data to avariety of
storage locations.
Finds and fixes common
computer problems, cleans
up unwanted cookies and
files, and defragments the
hard disk to optimize PC
PC Tuneup
About keeping your computer secure
Norton 360 automatically protects your PC when you
install it and updates itself regularly to maintain
protection. However, you can increase the security of
your PC further by learning how to avoid threats
against your PC and your data.
To avoid email threats, do the following:
1 Openonlythoseemailattachmentsthatcomefrom
a trusted source and that you expect to receive.
Maintaining total protection
About keeping yourcomputer secure