configure the autofill settings for the Web sites that
contain security threats.
You can configure the following options in the
BrowsingOptions window:
credentials for the Web sites
that you visit.
when I log in toweb sites
Configures Identity Safe to
you visit a Web sitethat has
multiple logins.
I visit a page withmultiple
Autofills your login details
when you visit a Website.
Autofill my logins when I
visit websites
Displays your Identity Cards
each time you visit aWeb
page with forms to fillyour
personal details.
Display my Identity Cards
each time I visit apage with
fillable form
In addition, you can use the Autofillsitescontaining
securitythreats option to specify how you want
Identity Safe to respond to the Web sites that have
security threats. You can also turn off the browser’s
password manager using the Turnoffthebrowser’s
passwordmanager option.
About Password & Security
You can use Password & Security to change your
IdentitySafepassword. Youcanalsousethisoptionto
setthelevel ofsecuritythatyouwant forIdentitySafe
password usage.
353Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data