The following table lists the categories that provide
theadvanced detailsabouttheSecurity Historyitems:
Displays the following
information about the item:
1 Severity
This category displays the
risk level of the selected
item. The various levels of
security risks are High,
Medium, Low, and Info.
1 Activity
This category displays the
activity that was performed
by Norton 360.
1 Date & Time
This category displays the
1 Status
This category displays the
status of the action thathas
been taken on the item.
1 Recommended Action
This category displays the
actions that you might need
to perform.
Alert Summary
Displays the detailed
information of the item
Youcanview thedetailssuch as
category, risk level, risk
and recommended actions for
the items.
Advanced Details
125Maintaining total protection
About monitoring protectionfeatures