If there is a file withPoor orBad trust level, under
theTrustLevelcolumn, clickthe redcross(x) icon.
In the QuarantineFile window, click Quarantine
In the ManualQuarantine window, click Add.
Click Close.
About the Reputation Scan results
Norton 360lets yourun different ReputationScans to
on your computer. Norton 360 lets you manually run
the following types of Reputation Scan:
1 Reputation Quick Scan
1 Reputation Full System Scan
1 Reputation custom scan
When you run a Reputation Quick Scan, Norton 360
considers the Files of Interest which include running
processes and loaded programs. When you run a
the Files of Interest that are available on your
computer. When you run a Reputation custom scan,
Norton360 letsyouselect thedrive,folder, orfilethat
you want to scan.
ReputationScan filtersthefileson thebasisofcertain
filtering criteria and performs an InsightNetwork
Scan on the filtered files. Reputation Scan filters .exe
files, .scr files, .sys files, .dll files, .drv files, .ocx files,
and .msi files and analyzes these files.
Norton360 displaysthereputationinformation ofthe
scanned filesin the NortonReputationScan window.
Norton 360 consolidates the reputation information
of your most recent scan and presents the reputation
information using different graphical formats.
The top of the NortonReputationScan window
displays the following statistics:
177Scanning your computer
About Reputation Scan