Select the backup destination, and navigate to the
backup set destination that contains the file that
you backed up.
Do one of the following:
1 Right-clicktoselectthefilestorestoreinNorton
Backup Drive, and then click Restore.
The filesare restoredto theoriginal locationby
overwriting the existing files.
1 Right-click to select the files to restore in the
NortonBackupDrive,andthen clickRestoreto.
You can choose to restore your files to the
OriginalLocation or to a New Location.
Click OK.
Deleting a file from a backup set on the Norton
Backup Drive
You can select and delete a file from a backup set on
theNortonBackupDrive.Norton360doesnot backup
the deleted file the next time you run a backup. You
can alsoclick thefile toopen andview the filecontent
before you restore it.
Todeleteafile fromabackup setonthe NortonBackup
In Windows Explorer, click NortonBackupDrive.
Select the backup destination, and navigate to the
backup set destination that contains the file that
you backed up.
Do one of the following:
1 Right-click toselect the filesto delete,and then
click Delete.
1 Select the file, and then press Delete.
459Protecting your mediaand data
About Norton BackupDrive