In the SaveLoginforSite dialogbox, type a name
for your login in the Name box, select the folder in
which you want tosave your login from theFolder
drop-down list.
Click Save.
Editing logins
Identity Safe to manage.
Edit Logins provides the following features:
1 Lets you safely store Web site login information.
1 Lets you save multiple IDs or accounts and
passwords for a Web site.
1 Letsyouorganizeyourloginsundervariousfolders.
1 Intelligently searches for a particular login.
1 Letsyou savetheWebsite namewithaname other
than the default name.
1 Displays thelogin ID andlets you showor hide the
1 Displays the strength of the password for each of
the logins.
1 Lets you quickly launch the Web site login page.
1 Fills in your login automatically when you revisit
Web pages.
1 Lets you manually add logins.
1 Lets you change the URL of your saved logins.
1 Lets you view the last time you made changes to
the settings of your saved logins.
Edit Logins also lets you view and fill the logindetails
that you saved for a Web site even after Norton 360
expires. To do so, use the Identity Safe menu on the
To create anew folder
IntheNorton360mainwindow,clickIdentity, and
then click ManageIdentityProtection.
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data