turn on the AutomaticDownloadofNewVersion
option. To turn on the AutomaticDownloadofNew
Version option, go the Norton 360 main window, and
then click Settings>AdministrativeSettings>
AutomaticDownloadofNewVersion >On.
Norton360downloadsandseamlessly installsthelatest
data suchas pictures andfinancial records beforeyou
install the new version of the product.
If you download and install the latest version of your
product,yoursubscription statusremainsthesameas
your previous version of product. For example, you
have 200 days of subscription left with your current
version of product and you upgrade your product to
the latestversion. In thiscase, thesubscription status
of your upgraded product remains 200 days only.
Ifanewversion isnotavailable,theWebpageinforms
you that no new version is availableand your product
latest version of the product, as it contains new and
enhancedfeaturesforbetterprotection againstsecurity
and the definition updates that are minor
improvements to your installed product. The main
differences are as follows:
1 Product upgrade lets you download and install a
new version of the entire product.
1 Definition updates are the files that keep your
Symantec products up to date with the latest
antithreat technology.
1 Program updatesareenhancements toNorton 360
that Symantec issues periodically.
If anew versionof theproduct isnot available,ensure
that you have all the latest program updates and
definitionupdates. LiveUpdateautomates theprocess
of obtaining and installing program and definition
555Finding additional solutions
About upgrading yourproduct