To recover or access your
product key log on to
If you are not registered,
register for Norton Account.
You can find the productkey
on the Products tab inthe
Norton Account page.
If you are still unableto
locate your product key, you
can recover it using Norton
About problems during activation
If you cannot connect to the Symantec servers to
activate your product, first check your Internet
connection. You then need to see if you have parental
control software,either installedor throughyour ISP,
that might block the connection.
A connectivity problem can occur if you use parental
controlsoftware. Ifyou suspectthatparental controls
might block the connection, you can configure the
parental controls so that they do not block the
activation procedure. You need to log in to your
parental control software or to the Internet through
your ISP as an administrator to change your
If you use a proxy server to connect to the Internet,
you must configure the proxy settings. To configure
theproxysettings, gototheNorton360 mainwindow,
and then click Settings>AdministrativeSettings>
About your Norton Account
When you create a Norton Account, you can manage
allofyour Nortonproductsinoneplace. Youcanstore
your product keys in your Norton Account and also
product with the Norton Account. It takes only a few
Getting Started
About your NortonAccount