
1 Provides you the ease of carrying and using your
Identity Safe data when you are on the move
By saving your data using an online vault, you can
access your sensitive Identity Safe data from any
computer that has Norton 360 installed.
Norton 360 adds the NortonToolbar to the Internet
Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome Web browsers. The
NortonToolbar has the following components:
1 Norton menu
1 NortonSafeSearch
1 SafeWeb indicator
1 IdentitySafe menu
When you have cards or logins in Identity Safe, the
Norton 360 supports Google Chrome version 10.0 or
If you turn off Identity Safe, you cannot access your
logins and Identity Safe features from the Norton
Norton 360 lets you view and access some of the
Identity Safe features even after the product expires.
This way, you can still view your login details even
after Norton 360 expires. However, it is not safe to
browse the Internet after Norton 360 expires as you
are vulnerable to online thefts and phishing attacks.
When your product expires, you cannot access the
Identity Safe features from the IdentityProtection
section of the Settings window. You can view and
access these features usingthe IdentitySafe menu or
the Norton menu that is available on the Norton
The following are the activities that you can perform
after the product expires:
1 BackupyourIdentitySafedataandsave itasa.DAT
or .CSV files.
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data