viewmore detailsabout thevulnerabilities byclicking
on the program name.
To view thelist ofvulnerable programs
In the Norton 360 main window, click Tasks.
In the Tasks window, under GeneralTasks, click
After you finish viewing the list, click Close.
Viewing details about a vulnerable application
to malicious attacks. In addition, you can view details
of the vulnerabilities that a program contains. The
ProgramVulnerabilityDetails windowdisplays the
names of the attack signatures that Intrusion
Prevention uses to detect any attempts to exploit the
vulnerabilities in the program.
You can click an attack signature to get additional
information about the signature in the Symantec
Security Response Web site.
The IntrusionSignatures window of Intrusion
Prevention lets you view a list of attack signatures.
Intrusion Prevention relies on this list of attack
signaturesto detectandblock suspiciousactivity.You
can uncheck a signature from the list, if you do not
want Norton 360 to monitor the signature. The
ProgramVulnerabilityDetails listdoes not include
any signature that you disable in the Intrusion
Signatures window. By default, all the signatures in
you have a good reason to disable a signature, you
should leavethe signatures turnedon. Ifyou disable a
signature,yourcomputermay bevulnerabletoattack.
To view detailsabout avulnerable application
In the Norton 360 main window, click Tasks.
Maintaining total protection
About viewing detailsof systemvulnerabilities