AutoBlock stops traffic between your computer and a
specificcomputer. Ifyouwant tostopall traffictoand
from your computer, you can use the BlockAll
NetworkTraffic option.
IfAutoBlock blocksa computeror computersthat you
need to access, you can turn off AutoBlock.
To turn offor turnon AutoBlock
In the Norton 360 main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under DetailedSettings,
click Firewall.
IntrusionPrevention, intheIntrusionAutoBlock
row, click Configure.
In the IntrusionAutoBlock window, under
AutoBlock, do one of the following:
1 To turn off Intrusion AutoBlock, click Off.
1 To turn on Intrusion AutoBlock, click On
(Recommended), and then in the AutoBlock
attackingcomputersfor drop-downlist, select
how long you want to turn on AutoBlock.
Click OK.
Unblocking AutoBlocked computers
In some cases, benign network activity can appear to
be similar to an attack and AutoBlock blocks the
network activity automatically to ensure that your
has currently blocked may include the computer that
you should be able to communicate with.
If a computer that you need to access appears on the
listofblocked computers,youcanunblock it.Youmay
want to reset your AutoBlock list if you have changed
your protection settings. To reset the AutoBlock list,
you can unblock all of the computers that are on the
list at one time.
Keeping secure onthe Internet
About Intrusion Prevention