moments tocreate your NortonAccount. You mustbe
connected to the Internet to create a Norton Account.
Afteryoucreate aNortonAccount,youcanaccess and
manage your account information and product
information from anywhere. It helps to reinstall your
products and download the latest version of the
products.Ifyou installyourproducton morethanone
PC, you can use the same Norton Account. To access
your Norton Account, go to the following URL:
1 During activation
You can create your Norton Account and register
your product from the NortonAccount window
that appears when you activate the product. You
must provide your account information in the
NortonAccount window that appears.
1 Any time after activation
You can create a Norton Account from the Access
NortonAccount link available in the My Account
25Getting Started
About your NortonAccount