
turn on Quiet Mode to the Quiet Mode Programs list.
When Norton 360 detects a running instance of a
program that you added in the list, it automatically
turns on Quiet Mode. When Quiet Mode is turned on,
Norton 360 suspends the background activities but
does not suppress alerts and notifications.
Youcanalsoaddarunningprogramto theQuietMode
Programs list. However, when you add a running
program, Norton 360 does not detect the current
runninginstanceoftheprogramto turnonQuiet Mode.
Norton 360 turns on Quiet Mode the next time when
you execute the program.
Youcanalsoremovearunningprogram fromtheQuiet
Mode Programs list. However, ifQuiet Mode is turned
on, it turns off only after the running instances of all
theprogramsin thelistarecomplete.You cannotturn
off Quiet Mode by removing a program from the list
when it runs.
You can viewthe details of theprograms that you add
to the Quiet Mode Programs list or remove from the
list in the SecurityHistory window.
Adding programs to User-Specified Programs
Norton 360 to turn on Quiet Mode to the Quiet Mode
added to the list, Norton 360 detects the program and
turns on Quiet Mode.
Programs list. However, when you add a running
program, Norton 360 does not detect the current
runninginstanceoftheprogramto turnonQuiet Mode.
Norton 360 turns on Quiet Mode the next time when
you execute the program.
You can only add the programs that have .exe file
extension to the QuietModePrograms list.
Scanning your computer
About Silent Mode