backup destination contains the backup sets to which
the backup destination is configured.
up to a media device. You must connect and turn on
the media device before you view your files.
OnlineStorage.Youmust beconnectedtotheInternet
and logged in to Norton Account.
To view the files in your online backup, you must
MyNetwork window to No Limit. The MyNetwork
option is available in the Settings window.
The Norton Backup Drive is accessible only to system
You can do the following with Norton Backup Drive:
1 Viewthefilesthatarebackedupindifferent backup
To view the files that you backed up to a media
device, you must connect the device to your
1 Restore a file from a backup set on the Norton
Backup Drive to restore to your computer.
1 Select and delete a file from a backup set on the
Norton Backup Drive.
Norton 360 does not back up the file you deleted
the next time you run backup.
1 Openafiletoviewthecontentofthefilebeforeyou
restore or delete it on the Norton Backup Drive.
1 Usethe Searchcommandonthe Startmenuorthe
SearchToolbaroption tolocate filesin theNorton
Backup Drive.
Norton Backup Drive appears in Windows Explorer
only when the Backup option in the BackupSettings
window is turned on.
457Protecting your mediaand data
About Norton BackupDrive