Selecting files to restore
Whenyourestorebacked-upfileswithNorton360, you
might not need to restore all the files from a backup.
Youcanrestorethe filesthatmayhavebeendamaged,
accidentally erased, or modified incorrectly. Norton
360 provides several ways for you to select only the
files that you need to restore.
When you click the BrowseforFilesandFolders
option, you can view a list of all the backed-up files.
You caneasily select the filesthat you wantto restore
by checking them. You can filter the files by its
Thevariousoptionsthat areavailableunderCategory
in the left pane of the window are:
You can view all thebacked-up
files in a backup set.
All file types
You can view all thefile
categories in the left panethat
you have previously backed up.
When you click a filecategory,
you can view all thebacked-up
files of that file categoryin the
right pane.
File Categories
You can view all thebacked-up
in a backup set.
You can view all thefiles and
Selected Files
You can also search for a particular file by using the
Search option. You can exclude each item in the right
pane if you want to exclude it from restoration by
unchecking it.
451Protecting your mediaand data
Restoring files