1 The TrustLevel graph displays the average trust
level of files onyour computer. It also displays the
average trust level of the files that Symantec
analyzes within the Norton Community.
1 The Prevalence graph displays the average high
user prevalence of files on your computer. It also
displays the average high user prevalence of the
files that Symantec analyzes within the Norton
1 The Stability graph displays the average reliable
fileson yourcomputer.Italso displaystheaverage
reliable files that Symantec analyzes within the
Norton Community.
Stability ratings vary depending upon your
operating system.
1 The NortonNetwork graph displays the details
about the known good files and bad files.
You can view the number of trusted files that are
on your computer. You can also view the total
number offiles that Symantecanalyzes within the
Norton Community.
Your computer must be connected to the Internet to
view these details. Norton 360 connects to the
Symantecserverstocollectthereputation information.
The bottom of the NortonReputationScan window
displays the reputation information of each scanned
item.Foreachscanneditem,youcan viewthefollowing
Indicates the file name and
file type.
You can click a filename to
the file in the FileInsight
File Name
Scanning your computer
About Reputation Scan