Viewing backup files on the Norton Backup Drive
You can use the Norton Backup Driveto view the files
that are backed up. You can view the Norton Backup
Drive after you configure backup.
If you backed up your files to a media device, ensure
that thedevice isconnected to yourPC andturned on.
Youcanthenviewthefileson theNortonBackupDrive.
If you backed up your files to Secure Online Storage,
you must be connected to the Internet. You must also
be loggedinto NortonAccount toview thefiles onthe
Norton Backup Drive.
To view the files in your online backup, you must
MyNetwork window to No Limit. The MyNetwork
option is available in the Settings window
To view backupfiles onthe NortonBackup Drive
In Windows Explorer, click NortonBackupDrive.
Select the backup destination, and navigate to the
backup set that contains the files that you backed
Restoring a file from a backup set on the Norton
Backup Drive
To restore a file, you can drag it from a backup set on
the Norton Backup Drive to your computer. You can
also click to open and view the contents of the file
before you restore it.
Right-click to select the files to restore in the Norton
Backup Drive, and then click Restoreto. You can
restoreyour backed-upfiles totheiroriginal locations
or custom locations.
In Windows Explorer, click NortonBackupDrive.
Protecting your mediaand data
About Norton BackupDrive