You have the following options on the Client
Integration tab:
Norton 360 supports Norton
AntiSpam integration with
Microsoft Outlook and Outlook
Express. In Windows Vista,
AntiSpam integration with
Windows Mail.
When you turn on anemail
client, Norton AntiSpam
integrates with the email client.
Email Clients
Norton 360 supports Norton
AntiSpam integration with the
address books of email clients
from which you want Norton
AntiSpam to import email
You can also import intothe
that are present in anemail
program. You do not haveto
your email clients to importthe
addresses intothe Allowed List.
Address Books
The Feedback option under the Miscellaneous row
lets you send feedback about the misclassified email
message to Symantec.
The option is available only when Microsoft Outlook
or Outlook Express is installed on your computer.
row providesabrief introductionof NortonAntiSpam
each time youstart your email program.You can turn
off the WelcomeScreenoption if you do not want the
welcome screen to appear.
Customizing settings
About Norton AntiSpamsettings