1 Delete all unwanted messages without opening
1 Do not respond to email that you suspect is spam.
Delete it.
1 Be wary of any email that requests confidential
information, and confirm the authenticity of the
request before you reply.
To protect yourself from phishing attempts, do the
1 WhenyouvisitaWebsite,typetheaddressdirectly
into your browser rather than clicking a link.
1 Providepersonalinformationonlyontrustedsites.
Examples includethe sites thathave "https" inthe
Web addressor that havea lock iconat the bottom
of the browser window.
1 Do not provide personal information to any
unsolicited requests for information.
To avoid viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, do the
1 Transfer files to your PC only from a well-known
source or a trusted source.
1 Donot sendorreceivefiles overinstantmessaging
1 Terminate an instant messaging connection if a
person onyour buddylist sends strangemessages,
files, or Web links.
To avoid spyware, do the following:
1 Do not approve suspicious error messages from
within your Web browser.
1 Besuspicious of"freedeal" offersbecausespyware
may come as part of such a deal.
1 CarefullyreadtheEnd UserLicenseAgreementfor
the programs that you install. Also, do not install
a program if other programs are installed as part
of the required program.
105Maintaining total protection
About keeping yourcomputer secure