Even if you do not turn on Pulse Updates, LiveUpdate
collects all the missed streams and, it updates your
computer during full definition updates.
Turning off or turning on Pulse Updates
Pulse Updates provide frequent, lightweight updates
every 5 minutes in between the full updates. Always
ensure that the PulseUpdates option is turned on. It
protects you from the latest threats without
your online experience.
You mustbe connectedto the Internetto obtainlatest
definition updates by using Pulse Updates. You can
turn on or turn off PulseUpdates only if Automatic
LiveUpdate is turned on.
To turn offor turnon PulseUpdates
In the Norton 360 main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under DetailedSettings,
click Antivirus.
In the Antivirus settings window, click
row, do one of the following:
1 To turn off Pulse Updates, move the On/Off
switch to the right to the Off position.
1 To turn on Pulse Updates, move the On/Off
switch to the left to the On position.
In the Settings window, click Apply.
Click Close.
About Network Proxy Settings
A proxy server regulates access to the Internet, and
prevents external computers from accessing your
network. If you are on a network that uses a proxy
servertoconnecttotheInternet,you canprovideproxy
serverdetails toNorton360.You canusetheNetwork
Getting Started
About Network ProxySettings