In thewindow that appears,on theScanItems tab,
do the following:
1 To add drives, click AddDrives, in the Scan
Drives dialog box, select the drives to be
scanned, and click Add.
1 To add folders, click AddFolders, in the Scan
Folders dialog box, select the folders to be
scanned, and click Add.
1 Toadd files,click AddFiles, inthe FilestoScan
dialog box, select the files to be scanned, and
then click Add.
If you need to remove an item from the list, select
the item, and then click Remove.
Click OK.
Configuring the scan options
Norton 360 lets you configure scan options for each
scan that you customize. By default, the scan options
reflect the current ComputerScans settings in the
Settings window. The changes that you make are
applicable to the current scan only.
In addition to the custom scans that you create, you
can configure the scan options for the default scans.
You can configure scan options for Full System Scan,
Quick Scan, Drive Scan, Folder Scan, and File Scan.
To configure thescan options
In the Norton360 main window, clickPCSecurity,
and then click RunScans.
In theScans window, underComputerScans,click
Click Go.
the edit icon next to the scan that you want to
In the EditScan window, on the Scan Options tab,
configure the scan options as required.
Click OK.
161Scanning your computer
About Computer Scan