Events graph at the top of the Performance window
for each icon or stripe appears at the bottom of the
graph. The pop-up that appears when you move the
mouse pointer over an icon provides you the details
abouttheactivity.Thedetailsincludethe dateonwhich
an activity was performed and the number of such
activities that you performed on that date. The View
Details link provides additional details of the activity
in the SecurityHistory window.
To view detailsof yoursystem activities
InthePerformancewindow,atthetop oftheEvents
graph, clickthe tab for amonth to view thedetails.
In the Events graph, move the mouse pointer over
the icon or the stripe for an activity.
In the pop-up that appears, view the details of the
If the ViewDetails option appears in the pop-up,
click ViewDetails to view additional details in the
SecurityHistory window.
About performance alerting
Norton 360 monitors your system performance. If it
detectsan increasedusage ofsystemresources byany
program or process, it notifies you with performance
alerts. Performance alerting works only when the
PerformanceMonitoring option and Performance
Alerting option are turned on.
Performance alerting notifies you with information
about the program name and resources that the
program usesexcessively. The Details&Settingslink
in the performance notification alert lets you view
additional details about the resource consumption by
the program. The FileInsight window opens and
displaysthedetailsofthefile,the originofthefile,the
processID, andthecompleteresource usagelistofthe
65Monitoring your system'sperformance
About System Insight