1 Open the EditLogins window and view the logins
that you saved.
About setting up Identity Safe
Identity Safe helps you manage your sensitive
informationandprovide additionalsecuritywhileyou
perform online transactions. The features in Identity
Safe provide a secure storage for your personal
information such as your address, login information,
passwords, and credit card details.
Identity Safe provides a secure storage for the
1 Login information such asuser IDs and passwords
of your email accounts
1 Personalinformation suchas youraddress,date of
1 Creditcarddetails includingcardnumberandcard
expiry date.
You can view all the options that are available in
Identity Safe only after you set up Identity Safe.
Foreach Windowsuser account,Identity Safeletsyou
create a local vault and save your Identity Safe data.
The data that you save and any of the Identity Safe
settings that you configure are specific to that local
vault. You cannotaccess the data thatyou save in one
way Identity Safe protects your sensitive data from
being misused even when you share your computer
with others.
In addition to the local vault that you create on a
data in online vault.
You can access the Identity Safe data that you stored
online from any computer that meets the following
1 The latestversion ofNorton360 mustbe installed.
1 The computer must be connected to the Internet.
315Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data