About custom scans
You can create a custom scan if you regularly scan a
particularsegmentofyourcomputer.This customscan
lets you scan the segment frequently without having
to specify it every time. You can also schedule the
times oratperiodic intervals.You canschedule ascan
according to your preferences. If the scheduled scan
begins when you use your computer, you can run the
scaninthe backgroundinsteadofstoppingyourwork.
For example, if you work on a project for which you
need toswap files frequentlywith others. Inthis case,
you might wantto create afolder into which youcopy
and scan those files before using them. When the
Creating a custom scan
Instead of running the default scans that are listed in
the Scans pane, you can create your own scans that
create a scan that checks a folder in which you store
all the downloaded files.
You can create a custom scan in the Scans window.
When you create custom scans, youcan also schedule
them to runautomatically on specific datesand times
or at periodic intervals.
To create acustom scan
In the Norton360 main window, clickPCSecurity,
and then click RunScans.
In theScans window, underComputerScans,click
Click Go.
In the Scans window, click CreateScan.
159Scanning your computer
About Computer Scan