In the IdentitySafeSetupSuccessful window,do
one of the following:
1 CheckImportmyloginsfromInternetExplorer
to import all the logins that you saved in your
Web browser.
1 Uncheck ImportmyloginsfromInternet
Explorer, if you do not want to import all the
logins that you saved in your Web browser.
Resetting Identity Safe
There may be instances when you need to reset your
Identity Safe.
You may need to reset your Identity Safe in the
following occasions:
1 You experience a computer failure.
1 You forget your Identity Safe password.
If you forget your Identity Safe password, you cannot
restore it. You can only reset your Identity Safe and
store all your data again.
Norton360 letsyouenteran incorrectpasswordthree
times. If your attempts are unsuccessful, Norton 360
provides you an option to reset your Identity Safe. If
you reset the Identity Safe, you lose all the Identity
Safe data that you stored, such as your login
information, cards, and notes.
To reset yourIdentity Safe
In the Norton 360 main window, click Settings.
In the Settingswindow, click IdentityProtection.
Under IdentitySafe, in the LogintoIdentity Safe
row, click Configure.
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data