About Norton Community Watch
Norton Community Watch helps in identifying new
security risks by submitting selected security and
application data to Symantec for analysis. Symantec
assesses the data to determine the new threats and
their sources. The collective efforts from Norton
security product users help in quick identification of
solutions for these threats and risks. Norton
the execution, schedule, and efficiency of
Norton-specific tasks and settings on your computer.
Norton Community Watch collects and submits the
following types of data:
1 Identified malicious software such as portable
executable files and running processes
1 Any Web site URL that your product identifies as
1 All the Web site URLs that you visited before the
detection of a risk
1 The applications and processes that run on your
computer regularly and during any security risk
1 Response instances that your computer sends to
any potential security risk
1 General system information and performance
attributes from the computer
1 General information about your computer such as
idle time, standby, and screensaver settings
submitted data,Symantecsends theinformation back
to Norton 360. The Norton features such as Norton
Insight and Insight Network use this information to
identify files and processes at risk.
You should participate in Norton Community Watch
submissions to provide valuable contribution to the
entirecommunity thatuses Nortonsecurity products.
Getting Started
About Norton CommunityWatch