
Settings 475
Administrative Settings 532
antivirus 482
customizing 480
firewall 257, 506, 509
home network 519
Identity Protection 524
Quick Controls 481
Task Scheduling 528
settings password
resetting 551
turning off 551
Settings Password Protection
about 549
configuring 550
resetting 551
turning off 551
shortcut menu 55
Signature Exclusions
about 188
Signature Ezclusions
excluding items 189
including and excluding 262
Silent Mode
about 191
Full Screen Detection 195
Media Center Extender 195
turning off 193, 196
turning on 193, 196
turning on manually 193
Smart Definitions
about 42
turning on or turning off 43
Smart Firewall
about 233
customizing 236
SONAR Protection
about 185
emerging threats 185
SONAR Protection (continued)
heuristic technology 185
SONAR Advanced Mode 185
turning off 186
turning on 186
spyware 221, 504
found by Auto-Protect 211
protection settings 482
settings 489
system scan 155
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
Norton AntiSpam 279
startup files 210
startup items
delaying and running 409
disabling or enabling 408
Startup Manager
about 407
delaying and running delayed
items 409
disabling or enabling startup
items 408
status 5253
submission,itemstoSymantec 143
maintaining 564
product updates 46
Supervisor user account
creating firewall rules 239
AutoFix Scan 558
Self Help 560
solving problems 558
worldwide service 565
Support policy 564
Symantec Security Response 143
viewing submitted files 111
Symantec Support Web site
about 561
using 562