
infected files 216
infected items 158
resolve any items 158
Attention Required
about 158
resolving the risk 158
notifications 211
Automatic LiveUpdate
turning off or turning on 44
Automatic Program Control
about 239
automatic tasks 225
automatic updates 38
Autorun Restore
about 454
restoring 455
background jobs
about 79
monitoring 85
backup 227, 411
additional help 463
backup file categories 420
Backup Set 417
categories 103
file extensions 426
file selection 432
file types 420
Identity Safe data 350
locations 435
Norton Backup Drive 456
preparation 413
problem solving 460
restoring 447, 450
restoring selected files 451
scheduling 444
settings 471, 521
supported media 435
backup (continued)
turning off or turning on 469
Backup and Restore
about 350
schedules 230
backup file categories
adding or editing file
extensions 427
removing file extensions 429
resetting file extensions 429
backup files
deleting 430
Backup Set
about 417
adding files and folders 432
creating 418
deleting 445
excluding files and folders 433
modifying 419
renaming 419
Backup Settings
about 521
turning off and turningon 471
about 412
locations 442
online 464
online storage space 468
restore destinations 453
running 446
defining usage 298
managing 296
Blocked List 289
spam 279
Boot Time Protection 204
configure 205
boot viruses 223
browser cache files 404