Using the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool
use the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool to scan and
remove any security threats that prevent successful
installation. If your computer is infected and you are
not able to start your Windows operating system, you
can use Norton Bootable Recovery Tool to remove
threats and recover your computer.
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool is available on the
product CD that you purchased. You can use the
product CD as a recovery media.
To use Norton Bootable Recovery Tool, you must use
the product key of the Norton product that you
need to create a Norton Account to receive a product
key to use Norton Bootable Recovery Tool.
To use theNorton BootableRecovery Tool
Insert the recoverymedia and start yourcomputer
from the recovery media.
The recovery media can be a Norton Bootable
Recovery Tool CD, DVD, USB key, or the product
Read the NortonLicenseAgreement, type your
product key, and then click IAgree.
Ifyouuseanon-QWERTYkeyboard,usethe Virtual
Keyboard option to enter your product key.
In the NortonBootableRecoveryTool window,
click NortonAdvancedRecoveryScan.
Click StartScan.
After the scan is complete, remove the recovery
media from thedrive or USB port,and restart your
About updating Norton 360
Norton 360 uses the Internet to automatically obtain
updates to its virus definition files and its program
Getting Started
About updating Norton360