If you have Identity Safe data that is stored on any
externaldrives fromthe olderversions ofNorton 360,
you can convert that portable profile to local vault or
online vault.Whenyou connectyour externaldrive to
your computer, the IdentitySafemenu in the Norton
Toolbar provides option to merge the Identity Safe
data from your portable profile. You can merge the
data from the portable profile to your local vault or
online vault.
Safe vault:
1 Import your Identity Safe data from the file you
already backed up. You can also import the data
that you stored in portable profile from an older
version of the product to the current version.
1 Export your Identity Safe data to .DAT file.
1 Reset your Identity Safe.
About creating Identity Safe vaults
Identity Safe helps you manage your sensitive
informationandprovide additionalsecuritywhileyou
perform online transactions. The various features in
IdentitySafeprovideasecurestorageforyour personal
information such as your address, login information,
passwords, and credit card details.
Identity Safe lets you create one local vault per
Windows user account.
Safe data from local vault to online vault, the data in
your local vault is permanently removed.
You can access the Identity Safe data that you stored
online from any computer that meets the following
1 The latestversion ofNorton360 mustbe installed.
1 The computer must be connected to the Internet.
Securing your sensitivedata
About securing yoursensitive data