than 15 percent of free space.
Some programs, such as movie-editing programs or
work more efficiently if your disks are optimized. If
you prefer not to wait until Norton 360 performs
automatic optimization, you can optimize your disks
Disk optimization does not run on PC with solid state
hard drive.
To optimize yourpermanent disksmanually
In the Norton 360 main window, click PCTuneup,
and then click RunDiskOptimization.
When the activity is complete, in the Tuneup
window, click Close.
About using optimization efficiently
Norton 360 automatically optimizes the permanent
disk in your PC as necessary and does not require you
to take any action to accomplish that task. You can,
however, adopt some practices that help Norton 360
perform automatic optimization more efficiently.
The following practices can help make automatic
optimization more efficient:
Norton 360 performs disk
idle. If you turn offyour PC
whenever you finish your
work, Norton 360 cannot
perform automatic
optimization. If you turn off
your PC during optimization,
Norton 360 restarts the
optimization process when
you turn on your PCagain.
Occasionally leave your PC
turned on when you donot
use the PC
403Keeping your PCtuned up
About using optimizationefficiently